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Today, stress is a common problem in everyone’s life. Most of us face so many complications with the stress. We see that stress is also one of the reasons causing some diseases like diabetes, autoimmune disease, arthritis, etc.., To get rid of these diseases stress management is important in today’s life. How is diabetes caused due to stress?   Whenever […]


Diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases in India. Nowadays due to their busy life, people don’t know what they eat and how much they eat. This leads to an unhealthy lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle is one of the causes of diabetes. There are 3 B’s in unhealthy lifestyle which consume excess leads to diabetes. That includes Three B’s that cause diabetes include Biryani  Beer and […]


Today, most people commonly face gastric problems. An unhealthy lifestyle causes gastric problems, which include smoking, drinking, and a poor diet with more amounts of sugar, fat, soft drinks, and processed foods. Stress and long hours of starvation of food also cause gastric problems. Here are some of the tips that are helpful in the […]


Generally, you all know onion dosa, masala dosa, egg dosa, and so on. Have you ever heard about this diabetes reversal protein dosa? Some diabetes people may try many recipes for diabetes reversal. However, they may not show much result to the diabetic people. This protein dosa may help diabetic people lower their blood sugar […]

Secretes of a healthy life

We all know the proverb health is wealth, which means a healthy life is real money. A healthy life can prevent the chances of getting chronic disease. Today we all are focusing on wealth instead of health until we get a health complication. The following four secrets of a healthy life can make you healthier. Secrates […]

Early Autism Diagnosis – A Key to Better Outcomes

Challenges in forming and maintaining relationships with peers. Early identification of autism in children helps early support. Autism differs in one child to another in symptoms,  severity and development pace. some common signs and behaviors may seen. The single sign may not indicate autism. Consult health care professionals to show concern about a child’s development. […]

Debunking 10 Myths and Facts about Homeopathy

Debunking 10 Myths and Facts about Homeopathy Homeopathy is a centuries-old alternative medical practice that has gained both popularity and scepticism over the years. With its roots in holistic healing and individualised treatments, homeopathy has generated a fair share of myths and misconceptions. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 common homeopathy myths and facts to […]